
Oberfields Non-Weathered Versa-Lok

Versa lok Hero

When looking for a retaining wall unit that is engineered to retain heavy loads, Versa-Lok’s® solid unit durability is the perfect fit. Versa-Lok® is the only solid, true top to bottom pinned system on the market. It’s durable, design friendly, and virtually maintenance free attributes handle the harshest conditions.

18 NW Versa Lok canyoncreek

NW Versa-Lok Canyon Creek

18 NW Versa Lok chestnut

NW Versa-Lok Chestnut

18 NW Versa Lok desertsand

NW Versa-Lok Desert Sand

18 NW Versa Lok earthblend

NW Versa-Lok Earth Blend

18 NW Versa Lok flagstone

NW Versa-Lok Flagstone

18 NW Versa Lok granite

NW Versa-Lok Granite

18 NW Versa Lok storm

NW Versa-Lok Storm

Brick Sizes:

1 Non weathered versalok

16″ (face) x 14″ (rear) x 12″ D x 6″ H

2 Non weathered smoothtop versalok

Smooth Top Versa-Lok®
16″ (face) x 14″ (rear) x 12″ D x 6″ H

3 Non weathered versalok RectangularCap

Rectangular Cap
16″ (face) x 11 5/8″ D x 3 5/8″ H

4 Non weathered versalok Corner

Solid Corner
7 7/8 (face) x 12″ D x 6″ H

5 Non weathered versalok fullreturn corner

Full Return Corner
16″ (face) x 7 7/8″ D x 6″ H